martedì 30 settembre 2014

♡ NeW Group GIFT for MeN ♡

And finally there's even the male Group Gift, you have only to get your Ashmoot Group Tag on your Head (if you still haven't it run to get it, it's free joining for the moment) and click on the gift to receive the pack! ;)
It is a male cardigan perfect for this Autumn.
It comes with :
rigged mesh 5 sizes and 1 fitted mesh option too

Come and get it

sabato 27 settembre 2014

♡ FeW DaYs Left for the 2 current Hunts ♡

05-30 September
"The dog is taking it  safe..."
Hunt GIFT (1L): the hot red skirt 
(you can see it in the pic below)

1-30 September
"Get confortable at the cosmetician"
Hunt GIFT (0L): the Blouse
(you can see it in the pic below) 
 Ashmoot suggests you with this combination
this pair of HIGH SLINK shoes, 
in Hot Red too!
You can find it @ the Mainstore too
SLurl Of the Ashmoot Mainstore :

venerdì 26 settembre 2014

♡ NeW BoDy LineS: HONEY ♡

Yes @ AsHmOoT Mainstore you will find even a New Line for your avatar's Body: Skins, Shapes and MakeUp!

This is the First creation, called "Honey" .
It comes with 5 different skin tones, available separatly or in the FAT Pack.

There are available even Appliers for WoWmesh and LOLAS Tango, will be added even Appliers for Slink, Lush and all the others you want.

Free DEMO available.
Join it :

♡ ...after long time... The BloG COMEs BACK ♡

The Blog has been closed for long time, but now it's Back and it's Better than ever!!

So follow us even here in the BloG to be updated of all the Brand NeWs: regarding, new creations, new gifts, new hunts, new promo, fashion shows, marketplace....and all !!

Many Kisses ❤